Annie and Katrina with their title ribbon for Annie's Farm Dog Cert title.
Summer and Katrina with their GP 4 Ribbon!
Reign On Drops of Jupiter and Katrina Maddux
2019 3rd in Puppy Sweepstakes at SSCA National week at Purina Farms, MO.
Annie with her CAA ribbons in Perry, GA
GCH CH Elkhart's Suddenly Last Summer CGC and Katrina at PVSSC Show in June 2020 in VA.
CH Reign On Drops of Jupiter CGC TKN and Katrina at the Cotton Cluster 2020.
GCH CH Elkhart's Suddenly Last Summer CGC in Atlanta, GA.
2022-2024 Show News.....Updating...... 2021 Show News… 2021 was a busy year. Annie earned her CD and CAX and ATT. Annie was also showed in the Veterans Sweeps at the 2021 Specialty in VA. She earned 2 1st places. She loved being back in the show ring. Heggie got her GCH in Perry, GA. Heggie also got an Award of Merit at the SSCA National Specialty in VA. Desi got shown a bunch and figured out showing was fun. Summer earned her ATT. Pictures to follow.
In the fall we also welcomed 2 new imports from the Czech Republic. Nessie and Vinny. Both are from Grand Calvera Kennels. Both have started their show career and have points toward their CH. 2020 Show News...
July 2020 PVSSC Show in VA: Annie and Summer 3rd in Brace.
July 2020 Greenville, SC: CH Reign On Drops of Jupiter CGC: Select Bitch for 2 GCH Points GCH CH Elkhart's Suddenly Last Summer CGC: 10 OH Points.
August 2020: Annie earns her Trick Dog Intermediate Title via AKC virtual title program.
September 2020: Annie earns more points towards her DCAT. Summer earns her BCAT and Trick Dog Novice Title Heggie earns her Trick Dog Novice Title. Carolina earns her CGC and Trick Dog Novice Title
October 2020: Annie gains 3 more legs for her CAX title Annie is 1 point away from her DCAT title
November 2020: Heggie earns 2 GCH Points at the Cotton Cluster in Decatur, AL and also comes home with a GRP 1 placement in Owner Handler. Ends up with 50 points for the 2020-2021 Season. Fast CAT in Jackson, TN: Annie earns her DCAT title and Summer earns more points on her DCAT Title.
Perry, GA Winter Wonderland Cluster: Heggie earns a 5 point major and more points for her GCH. Annie and Summer had a great time in Barn Hunt. Annie earned 4 more legs for her CAX.